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ANU - ASEDA list, Nov1994

Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies

Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive (ASEDA)

A List of Electronic Data Files Held in ASEDA

November 1994

The Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies holds computerised material in the Aboriginal Studies Electronic Data Archive ( ASEDA ). The Archive is available to researchers, subject to deposit and access conditions. This catalogue gives brief details of material held at the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. Further information is available on request. ASEDA currently holds material in the following categories:

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What is the function of the Archive?

The ASEDA provides a service to researchers in the field of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. By accessing information in electronic form researchers can locate references that are not available by keyword searching of catalogues, and can 'add value' to existing work (by producing various forms of output from existing data files). In addition, the linguistic collection allows users to engage in comparative linguistic work. With over 280 languages represented in the collection, it is possible to locate Australian languages equivalents for English words.

The Archive also offers a free service of secure long term storage and maintenance of electronic versions of texts.

How is the data stored?

The Archive is currently stored on a hard disk with backup on Canon Magneto-Optical Disks (MOD).

Data is imported from non-Macintosh formats, and stored as text. Structured data is also converted into a 'text-only' file. This facilitates exporting to other media, and reading the data using various software. It is not currently possible to mark-up all of the data so that it conforms to a standard format. Documentation of the coding conventions used in particular texts is available from the Archive.

What restrictions are there?

Normal copyright restrictions apply, and there may be additional restrictions placed on items in the Archive by the depositors. Deposit and access forms accompany each item, specifying the type of access permitted. Many items are freely available for the use of researchers.

How can I use the Archive?

First, you can deposit information with the Archive. Any information that you produce or have produced on disk can be deposited. Any information that would normally be deposited with the AIATSIS in hard copy can now also be deposited in electronic form. Deposited material can be made generally available or held as safe copies on closed access.

Second, you can request information from the Archive. After signing an access form you may then be sent a copy of the data, subject to the access restrictions placed on it by the depositor.

You can also request particular searches of the data held in the Archive.

What does the Archive have?

Contact ASEDA for the most recent catalogue.

Catalogue of ASEDA

The information in this catalogue is presented in the following form: [Language name, AIATSIS code] identification (four digit) number - access restrictions [Primary author] [collaborators] title, type of information; [number of entries]; [number of files]; [size]. [WIP] [annotation].

Items in square brackets are optional.

Where access restrictions are not specified the approval of the depositor must be obtained before an item can be copied. Size is indicated by a figure followed by the letters kb, indicating kilobytes used on a Macintosh computer. Note that the size shown includes all files associated with the named file. A vocabulary file may be 40 kb long, but included in the listing could be additional data files bringing the total listed up to 100kb. A more detailed catalogue is available from the Archive.

Codes following the language name indicate which part of Australia the language comes from. These are the codes AIATSIS uses to uniquely identify an Australian language. Numbers following the lettercode identify individual languages within the region as in the following map.

Click on a region name below to see a list of items in ASEDA related to languages of the region.


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0459 - No restrictions specified : Aboriginal History journal-index.txt, List of Resources; 1 file; 24 kb.
0404 - Closed : AUSLIG Toponymy [Machine-readable Gazetteer], Placenames; 13 files; 18,412 kb. Includes State lists of placenames.
0223 - Open : Briscoe, Gordon Database of documents relating to Maralinga. , List of Resources; 8 files; 1,558 kb.
0188 - Open : Cromwell, Larry Laves collection, text; 4 files; 52 kb. Catalogue of the Laves collection
0372 - Open:permission required for changes : Crosisca, Paul Lajamanu Art Data Base, List of Resources; 18 files; 1,719 kb.
- No restrictions specified: Dussart, Françoise Warlpiri Women's Yawulyu Ceremonies: A Forum for Socialization and Innovation, Thesis; 5 files; 768 kb.
0455 - No restrictions specified : Edmunds, Mary RB files, ; 221 file; 8,460 kb. Database of information on media images of Aboriginal people.
0290 - : Fraser, Ros Guide to the Australian Archives, List of Resources; 53 files; 1,872 kb.
- Open to view but not to copy: Horton, David; Aboriginal Studies PressEncyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia, Other:Encyclopaedia; 170 files; 26112 kb. Text and some images from the Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia.
0563 - No restrictions specified : Houzé_, Emile and Victor Jacques Nicolaas Heijm, Peter Symes Les Australiens du Mus_ée du Nord [translation] Translation of: Houz_, Emile and Victor Jacques. 1884. Les Australiens du Musé_e du Nord. Bulletin de la Socié_té_ Royale Belge d'Anthropologie, 6 files 108 kb
0530 - No restrictions specified : Kalotas, Arpad Fungi, Paper; 28 files; 242 kb. A collection of references to Australian indigenous use of fungi.
0465 - No restrictions specified : Kesteven, Sue Uranium Impact Study, Paper; 25 files; 612 kb.
- Closed access:For sale: The Law Book CompanyCommonwealth Law Report on disk..Mabo v. Queensland [No.2], Paper; 5 files; 2582 kb.
0403 - Open : McKeown, Frank Queensland Land Rights: A Northern Territory Perspective, Paper; 1 file; 48 kb.
0426 - Closed: Michaels, Eric [Collected work], Texts; Paper; 483 files; 8,772 kb. Copies of Eric Michaels' disks, work in progress when he died. Includes some Warlpiri texts.
0185 - No restrictions specified : NT Department of Lands; V.T. O'Brien, NT Placenames, place names; 200 kb.
0381 - Open : oz.blackrights conference, Paper; 2,600 kb. A continually updated collection of files from the electronic mail network 'Pegasus' conference on Aboriginal issues.
0554 - No restrictions specified : Richardson, Nick Filmographies Filmographies produced by AIATSIS for WA, Arnhem Land, North Queensland, Eastern Australia and Central Australia. 5files 4832kb
0230 - Open : South Australian Aboriginal Heritage Branch Newspaper index resource database; 10,000 app entries; 9 files; 972 kb.
0402 - Closed : Sutton, Peter Aboriginal art, the nation state, suburbia, Paper; 1 file; 26 kb.
0299 - Closed, for sale : Taylor, Luke Aboriginal Artists database, List of Resources; 6 files; 1,408 kb.
0454 - Open to view but not to copy : Taylor, Penny After 200 years, ; 177 files; 5,036 kb. documentation of the photographic project.
0486 - Closed : Walker, Alan [collected files], Vocabulary; 1,026 files; 5,564 kb.
0522 - No restrictions specified : Williams, Drid Annotated source material on the dance, List of Resources; 5 files; 111 kb.
0523 - No restrictions specified : Williams, Drid The Danced Experience and the National Library, Paper; 1 file; 33 kb. Harold White fellow's lecture.


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0219 - Open : Black, Paul Macintosh fonts for Yuulngu Matha, Mac Font.
0231 - No restrictions specified : Greatorex, John , Mac Font; 1 file; 32 kb.
0191 - No restrictions specified : Harvey, Mark Kakudju Phon 12, Warray Phon 12, Mac Font; 8 kb.
0302 - No restrictions specified : Pacific Linguistics fonts, Mac Font; 13 files; 292 kb.
0405 - No restrictions specified : AustralianLinguistics, Mac Font; 3 files; 56 kb.
0406 - No restrictions specified : Linguist Times, Mac Font; 2 files; 36 kb.
0407 - No restrictions specified : PhonMon, Mac Font; 1 file; 8 kb. Phonetic Monaco font.
0408 - No restrictions specified : Pitjantjara fonts, Mac Font; 1 file; 92 kb.
0409 - : Phonetic Times, Mac Font; 2 files; 52 kb.
0410 - : IPA Plus, Mac Font; 2 files; 56 kb.
0494 - Open : SIL SIL Premier IPA Fonts, Mac Font; 19 files; 400 kb.
0497 - Open : SIL SILPRIPA MSDOS, Dos Font; 26 files; 480 kb.


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0458 - No restrictions specified : Ltyentye Apurte School Angkentye Anwernekenhe: Tyerrtye Akerte, Graphics; 20 files; 3,368 kb. Funded by the AIATSIS Dictionaries Project .
0184 - Open : Sharp, Janet CALW Graphics, Graphics; 360 files; 42,772 kb.
0288 - Open : Phantom Comic, Graphics; 15/1 file; 612 kb.
0199 - Open : Picture Dictionary (scanned version of IAD Yanykunytjatjara/ Pitjatantjatjara Picture Dictionary), Graphics; 1 file; 1,620 kb.
0453 - Open : Tindale map, ; 1 file; 2,192 kb. A scanned version of the Tindale map, in Photoshop and HyperCard format.


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0301 - Shareware : Add/Strip 2.9.2, Software; 3 files; 147 kb. Very fast utility for making several complex formatting changes at the same time to text documents. Also converts wordstar files into normal text.
0518 - Open: Clausing, Stephen; Joseph. F. Carroll, MacConcordance 1.2, Software; 2 files; 36 kb. Allows construction of concordances, including reverse concordances.
0232 - Shareware : Greatorex, John B YM fonts.
0468 - : Hore, Michael Word Format + doc'n, Software; 2 files; 168 kb. Allows formatting of text from outside the documents, also batch runs of formatting.
0555 - Open : Simons, Gary, F. Thomson, John, V. IT 1.01r7 20 files 1732 kb.
0556 - Open : Summer Institute of Linguistics Ample/ Stamp 208 files 1488 kb. AMPLE does the morphological analysis (parsing) of an input text and STAMP does transfer and synthesis of the text into a target language.
0168 - Open : Summer Institute of Linguistics PC-Kimmo 1.0.8 338 files 3522 kb. Dos = 1,714 kb. Mac version = 1,628 kb.
0383 - Open : Summer Institute of Linguistics Conc 1.70, Software; 18 files; 601 kb. Conc is a program designed to facilitate the intensive study of a flat text or an interlinear text by producing a list of all the words occurring in it, with a short section of the context preceding and following each occurrence of a word. In many fields of study such a list is called a concordance. It is also similar to a key word in context (kwic) index, except that the index does not have to be restricted to particular words.
0499 - Open : Vallentine, Randolph J. Rook, Software; 7 files; 464 kb. A grammar authoring system in HyperCard that allows users to write grammars linked to texts, and include digitised sound.
0415 - Open : Waters, Bruce MacLex 22 files 800 kb.
0557 - Open : Wimbush, John, S.; SIL Shoebox 25 files 676 kb
0311- Open : Zimmerman, Mark Free Text Browser v1.0.3, Software; 10 files; 553 kb. More recent version of Texas, indexes large text collections and provides dynamic hypertext access to (see 0312) the corpus (including Boolean and Proximity searching). .
0309 - Open : Evolutions, Software; 2 files; 24 kb. Evolutions is a utility program that will convert series of spaces in a file into tabs (nice for converting a text file for use as a spreadsheet) or do general clean-up work by removing control characters and adding or deleting linefeeds (for IBM to Mac conversions and the reverse). .
0310 - Open : Grep-Wc 1.1, Software; 2 files; 37 kb. Allows 'grep' searching (Globally Search for Regular Expressions) from outside a document. A regular expression is one whose form is constant but whose content may vary. Found patterns may be written to a new file. .
0492 - Open : MacCC 1.1, Software; 1 file; 184 kb. A Macintosh version of the Consistent Changes programme produced by SIL.
0302 - : Macify v2.8, Software; 2 files; 58 kb. Allows you to do consistent changes within a text document. Limited set of possibilities include changing case, replacing carriage returns and multiple spaces, replacing quotes with 'smart' quotes. .
0168 - Open : Summer Institute of Linguistics PC-Kimmo 1.0.8, Software; Dos Software; 338 files; 3,522 kb. Mac version = 1,628 kb, Dos = 1,714 kb. The PC-KIMMO executable program and the source code library are copyrighted by the Summer Institute of Linguistics but are made freely available to the general public under the condition that they not be resold or used for commercial purposes.
0303 - Open : Sort and Tab Expander, Software; 4 files; 48 kb. Sort is used to arrange the lines of a text file into alphabetic or numeric order. The criteria for the sort may start in any column of the file. Because a tab character is often used to separate different fields, Tab Expander can be used to replace those tab characters with spaces so that the the fields separated by tabs actually start in a given column of the file. It can also be used to ensure that the file is in proper Macintosh form or to convert the file to IBM PCDOS or UNIX file forms. .
0306 - Open : TabUtil, Software; 1 file; 26 kb. Adds or deletes tabs from a document.
0495 - Open : TACT 2.1 (Beta Distribution), Dos Software; 8 files; 1,700 kb. Software that does elaborate concordances, compiles statistics. New version available 1/94.
0312 - Open : Texas 0.27, Software; 1,196 kb. Texas lets you build complete inverted indices to big (hundreds of megabytes) unstructured text files, and then browse through those indices, clicking and retrieving key-word-in-context and full-text displays. Texas lacks the subspace browsing (proximity search) and the multi-dataspace abilities of Free Text Browser (see 0311).
0305 - Open : TEXT Ranger, Software; 2 files; 23 kb. TEXT Ranger looks at all the text files on a disk and allows you to change the creator and delete the resource fork of all the files quickly.r
0307 - Open : TextDiff, Software; 1 file; 18 kb. Compares two text files and writes the differences to a third file.
0304 - Open : XForm, Software; 1 file; 68 kb. General purpose file converter, allows replacement or reversal of data in files. Also allows work at bit level.
0308 - Open : XRef 0.1b, Software; 1 file; 9 kb. Prepares both a copy of a text file with line numbers, and a concordance list of words in the file.


NOTE that the collection will be closed until March 1995 due to a change in personnel

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