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Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility


The mission of CPSR is to provide the public and policymakers with realistic assessments of the power, promise, and problems of information technology. As concerned citizens, CPSR members work to direct public attention to critical choices concerning the applications of information technology and how those choices affect society.

Founded in 1981 by a group of computer scientists concerned about the use of computers in nuclear weapons systems, CPSR has grown into a national public-interest alliance of information technology professionals and others. Currently, CPSR has 22 chapters in the U.S. and affiliations with similar groups worldwide. In addition to our National Office in Palo Alto, California, we maintain an office in Washington, D.C., which is home to our Civil Liberties and Privacy program.

CPSR Projects

As computer technology becomes increasingly pervasive, the issues facing us become more complex. CPSR provides a forum where we can examine technology's impact on our lives, the lives of our fellow citizens, and society as a whole. By sponsoring both national and local projects, CPSR serves as a catalyst for in-depth discussion and effective action in key areas: In addition, CPSR's chapter-based projects and national working groups tackle issues ranging from Calling Number ID systems to the development of nanotechnology and virtual reality, from the use of computers in education to working conditions for computer professionals, from community networks to computer ethics.

Membership Benefits

When you become a member of CPSR, you are joining a nationwide network of computer professionals who are committed to bringing social responsibility to all aspects of information technology. CPSR sponsors, supports, and participates in conferences, roundtables and meetings on advanced issues in computing, local civic networks, cryptography, participatory design, and computers and social change. Other member benefits include:

Who Can Join CPSR

CPSR welcomes everyone who uses or is concerned about the role of information technology in our society. For more information, send email to cpsr@cpsr.org or call 415-322-3778.

CPSR On-line Services

CPSR may be accessed via email by writing to listserv@cpsr.org. Include the single word HELP in the mail body, and leave the subject blank. Other services may be reached at gopher.cpsr.org, ftp.cpsr.org, wais.cpsr.org and www.cpsr.org.