hide random home screenshot http://curia.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/acro.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

The WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abbreviation Server

This is the list of acronyms and abbreviations in the Network Acronym and Abbreviation Server at iruccvax.ucc.ie which is still available by eMail for those without direct Internet or W3 browser access.

Please remember this is a list of (mostly) acronyms (abbreviations constructed from the first letters of the words of a phrase), not a dictionary or encyclopædia. There is a separate email service run by Anu Garg for dictionary or thesaurus queries.

The server now records failures (acronyms not found) and you can see a list of them. If you happen to know any, please submit their meanings. The database is updated weekly with the submitted additions. Please direct comments and suggestions to the ACO:

Peter Flynn, pflynn@curia.ucc.ie