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Capt'n Mike's Tackle Towne

2588-D El Camino Real
Suite 205
Carlsbad, CA 92008-1290

Capt'n Mike's, a real fishing tackle store, right here in Cyberspace. Shop for it all, terminal tackle, fine line, internationally acclaimed lures, quality clothing, optics, custom rods, books, accessories, vicarious adventures on video and real fishing adventures at world renowned locations. Capt'n Mike's is dedicated to the avid angler.

We will probably be under construction for quite a while, but come on in and visit our open departments.


 Owner Hooks. 'Perfection in Hooks'. The world's only hook with a

  triple-edged cutting point. The complete line is available.

 Area Rule Engineering. This world famous line of engineered lures for

  big game fish is considered a 'must' on any serious sport fisher.

 Burns Bombs. The latest from the Southern California Long Range 

  innovators.  These 'Wahoo Bombs' are amazingly effective.

 Collector Lures. Endorsed by many respected big game captains, these

  lures are included in trolling patterns whenever they are after Blue

  or Striped Marlin.

 PILI Lures. A line of innovative and proven lures for trolling

  or casting from Pacific Island Lures Inc.

 Soft Steel Line. A top-of-the-line monofilament fishing line with a 

  couple of 300lb Yellowfin Tuna as proof.  The name says it all!


 The Luxury Handle. An ergonomically correct handle for your big game 

  reels. Check out Capt'n Mikes special introductory price.

 Hobie Sunglasses. The fine line of Hobie Sunglasses, developed

  with the fisherman and boater in mind.

 Aftco Blue Water Wear. Shirts and shorts to fit your lifestyle.

 Accurate Products.  Capt'n Mike's favorite line of gaffs, reel

  side-plates, frames and accessories. Accurate guarantees all of their

  products for two full years.

 Blue Water of California. Manufacturers of Fishing Equipment and Boat

  Wear. Top quality line of reel and rod covers, lure bags, rigging cases,

  straps and carriers for your prized tackle.  

Videos, Books and Periodicals
Take a fantasy fishing trip aboard the world famous San Diego sport fishing fleet or read up on "Doing it Stand-Up Style".

  Long Range Fishing Adventures by Bill Roecker. 

  22 videos to select from plus Bill's classic book. From giant

  tuna to the fine points of saltwater bass fishing and a Marlin that 

  jumps over 30 times!.

 Award winning  Sportfishing Videos from Michael Fowlkes Productions. 

  9 classic videos from the documentary "A Tribute to Tuna" 

  to an incredible stand-up fight with a 377 pound Yellowfin tuna.

  Michael's videos feature unbelievable underwater footage of huge game

  fish striking and fighting.

 Danny Jackson Videos Southern California Sportfishing Videos.

  If you fish or plan to fish the Southern California waters these

  excellent videos will excite and inform you.

 Western Outdoor News and Western Outdoors Weekly news and information

  on Fishing and Hunting in the west plus Western Outdoors magazine.

 World acclaimed author Fred Archer's books and videos on big game

  and trophy shark fishing.

Specialty Items and Resorts


 Deutsche Optik 

  A complete line of fine optics and gift items as reviewed/tested in

  Gray's Sporting Journal, Shutterbug, Playboy, Ducks Unlimited,

  Esquire and many more.

 Vessel Assist Association of America. The boaters 'Auto Club' offers

  free towing and many other benefits to members. 

 Rancho Leonero. One of Baja California's premier resorts located on

  the East Cape.  Rancho Leonero offers world class fishing and diving.


 Let's Talk Fishing. Pete Gray's weekly radio show with Marty Milner

  covers the western US.  Here is a list of stations carrying the show.

Departments coming soon

Items in the "Coming Soon" departments are available now. For more information, and to order, call Capt'n Mike's toll free order line 1-800-314-9041

Check with us often for new lines and your favorite items.

Copyright (C) 1994 Capt'n Mike's, all rights reserved.

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