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Presidential Primaries

Presidential Primaries

An archive of the Washington Weekly.
In the interest of public information, the Washington Weekly presents unbiased portraits of announced candidates for President of the United States. The coverage awarded by the news media to these candidates has been limited to a stray dog or an unruly child in the backround during the announcement speech, as well as an almost daily handicapping of the "horse race." No mention of the ideas, the reforms, the visions of an American future that these men offer. The Washington Weekly intends to remedy this deficiency with portraits of each candidate, including a biography, voting records, stands on key issues, and a speech by the candidate. The primaries will not start until next year, but the success of a candidate may well be determined before that based on the number of volunteers and the amount of cash contributions a candidate can assemble. A contact address for each candidate is included.

Democratic Primaries

President Bill Clinton
The 1995 State of the Union Address

Libertarian Primaries

Libertarian Harry Browne
Browne's Position Paper

Republican Primaries

Republican Governor Lamar Alexander
Lamar Alexander's Accomplishments
Alexander's Announcement Speech

Republican Pat Buchanan
Buchanan's Announcement Speech

Republican Charles Collins
Key Issues of Platform
Interview with Charles Collins

Republican Senator Bob Dole
Dole's Voting Record and Stand on Key Issues
Dole's Announcement Speech

Representative Robert. K. Dornan
Dornan's Voting Record and Stand on Key Issues
Dornan's Speech to Colorado Republicans May 13

Republican Senator Phil Gramm
Voting Record and Stand on Key Issues
Gramm's Announcement Speech

Republican Alan Keyes
Speech to GOP in South Carolina

Republican Senator Richard Lugar
Lugar's Voting Record
Lugar's Announcement Speech

Republican Arlen Specter
Issues and Voting Records Summary
Announcement Speech

If you know of a declared candidate who is not included in this list, send an email to editor@dolphin.gulf.net. Include a contact address for the candidate.