(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Welcome to WADI
WADI is the Web server of Wesleyan's
Student Net. The purpose of WADI is to provide access to
information at Wes as well as provide a platform for people in the
Student Net to present their web pages. If you are
interested in the Student Net, perhaps thinking of joining, please
read our little blurb. You're most welcome!
Within WADI, click on the "Take Me Home" icon at the bottom of
the screen to return to this page. Bon voyage!
Some of these links have yet to be activated.
We appreciate your patience. Please send all suggestions and requests to
WADI user's guide
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for WADI, the Student Net, and ResNet.
- The Butt-FAQ is now being sponsored by the Student Net.
- See also the ResNet Home Page.
- How to make your own page here on WADI.
- Wish list for stuff we haven't gotten
around to yet.
Wesleyan Telephone Directory
- The Student Net is compiling this directory. Please add your name!
- Friends, Romans,
- A Free Form List for a Free Form Net
- Student Groups at Wesleyan
- Links to student groups' home pages at Wesleyan.
- The Residential Computing Consultant (RCC)
- Your computer's best friends.
- The WADI project
- WADI statistics. (shudder)
- The Student Network
Wesleyan Student Net Weather Station
- Kudos to Eric for this fine project.
- ShoeString: A Wesleyan Peer Computing Support BBS.
- An experimental online computing peer support bulletin
board system. (temporarily decommissioned)
- Wesleyan Student Network
- Check out the people behind the scenes. No, they aren't all CS
More Home Pages at Wesleyan
- The Wesleyan
University course book.
- I believe it still has Bill Chace as president, but maybe it's just
as well...
- The Wesleyan Home
- Wesleyan University
Library System.
- The ResNet Home Page.
- Under construction and unofficial.
- Wesleyan Alumni Home Page
- Computer Science
and Mathematics Department
- Chemistry Department
- Classical
Studies Department
- Physics
- Where The wild Quarks are...
Take Me Home
Last Updated: March 29, 1995