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The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Electrical Engineering
WWW Virtual Library

Electrical Engineering

This document is under continuous construction.



IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems 1995

Seattle, WA, USA
30 April - 3 May 1995

Information includes tutorial schedule, technical program, conference registration and accomodation forms.

1995 International Conference on Communications

Seattle, WA, USA
18-22 June 1995

The 1995 International Conference on Communications (ICC'95) will be sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. Over three hundred papers will be presented in 54 Regular and Hot Topic Sessions. Eighteen tutorials and workshops will be presented as well. Resource includes Advanced Technical Program, registration form, a LaTeX style file, and hotel and transportation details.

What's New in the EE Virtual Library

February 20, 1995
EXACT, an international technical association concerned with the exchange of technology and test data on electronic components.

January 29, 1995
InstrumentationWeb from National Instruments

January 26, 1995
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE)

January 4, 1995
Rome Laboratory Reliability Sciences Newsletter, published by Rome Laboratory / ER, Griffis Air Force Base, NY, USA

December 16, 1994
Automata, Inc. (Printed Circuit Board / Printed Wiring Board services)

December 1, 1994

November 30, 1994
AMP WWW Server

November 3, 1994
The VHDL International Home Page

November 3, 1994
The ARPA ESTO Home Page

November 3, 1994
ASEM (Application Specific Electronic Modules), an MCM Foundry Access Service.

November 3, 1994
The FAST Electronic Broker, a computer network broker for electronic parts, components and products, test instruments and laboratory equipment.

November 3, 1994
The MOSIS VLSI Fabrication Service, a low-cost prototyping and small volume production service for custom and semi-custom VLSI circuit development.

November 3, 1994
Information Sciences Institute (ISI) of the University of Southern California

Information Sources

Manufacturers/Vendors of EE-Related Products

Academic and Research Institutions

Return to: If you know of Internet-accessible information source(s) that should be included in the WWW Virtual Library --
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Administrator for the WWW Virtual Library on Electrical Engineering:
Steve Waterbury
email: waterbug@epims1.gsfc.nasa.gov