hide random home screenshot http://fi-www.arc.nasa.gov/fia/projects/bayes-group/Atlas/Mars/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Mars Atlas home page

Atlas of Mars

and Viking Orbiter image-finder

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A WWW-browsable, zoomable and scrollable atlas of Mars, showing the locations (footprints) of thousands of high-resolution Viking Orbiter images.

Version 1.0.7

Frequently Asked Questions

System requirements

This tool is designed for systems with a color screen (8 or 24 bit) and a fast network connection, with Mosaic and optionally an external viewer that displays PDS images. See details.

Special focus areas

Other planets

See one level up for image finders for other planets.

Is this atlas what you're looking for?

This atlas has complete coverage of Mars as grayscale maps at 1/16 degree/pixel, and may let you download 1/256 degree/pixel maps and some raw Viking Orbiter images. It also points to color maps of all of Mars. Keep in mind that raw Viking Orbiter images are unprocessed. If you don't have a particular site in mind and are interested in seeing just a few good pictures of Mars in general, you might the excellent collections of interesting color images listed below.

Other collections of Mars images

To get started:

Click on the method you prefer to use for locating the area you want:

Known problems

Relation to our other work

This is a spin-off of the image super-resolution project at NASA Ames's Artificial Intelligence Research Branch, now part of the Computational Sciences Division. We originally developed similar tools in Lisp to help us find, first, good test cases, and later, images of areas of interest to scientists who approached us.


[Up to Planetary Image Finderspage for whole solar system]