hide random home screenshot http://finweb.bus.utexas.edu/finecon.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

FINWeb Home Page

-- A Financial Economics WWW Server

Welcome to the FINWeb World Wide Web (WWW) Server. FINWeb is managed by Professor James R. Garven at the University of Texas at Austin, and is offered as an ancillary service of RISKWeb, a Risk and Insurance World Wide Web Server.

The primary objective of FINWeb is to list Internet resources providing substantive information concerning economics and finance-related topics. Please send electronic mail to jgarven@mail.utexas.edu to add entries to FINWeb. Your comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. regarding any of the items appearing here are also welcomed.

Electronic Publishing


Financial Economics Network (FEN) Home Page
The purpose of the Financial Economics Network is to increase and enhance communications among professionals interested in what is broadly defined as financial economics. FEN publishes the Journal of Financial Abstracts, which consists of abstracts of working papers from around the world and forthcoming articles in major finance and economics journals.
ECONbase Home Page
ECONbase is an interactive and searchable database that allows searches for up-to-date information on new and published articles in 32 Elsevier/North-Holland economics journals.
Journal of Finance Home Page
The Journal of Finance is published under the auspices of The American Finance Association.
Journal of Applied Econometrics (Data archive)
Cambridge Journal of Economics (Tables of contents)
Review of Economic Studies (Contents)
Journal of Business and Economics (Data Archive)
RAND Journal of Economics (Abstracts)
Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics (SNDE)
SNDE will be a peer reviewed, fully copyrighted, fee-based periodical hosted entirely on the Internet by the MIT Press and the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics.
Financial Executive Journal
This is a hypertext version of the Financial Executive Journal, which is published by NASDAQ.
Resources for Economists on the Internet
Here is a hypertext (and continuously updated) version of Bill Goffe's excellent paper that appeared in the Summer 1994 issue of the Journal of Economic Perspectives. Virtually all of the resources described in Bill's article are only a click away.
Uncover -- Index to 17,000 periodicals

Working Papers

UT-Austin Department of Finance Working Papers
Economics Working Paper Archive (WPA) Web Server
This is a Web Server maintained by Professor Robert Parks at Washington University-St. Louis. The latest working papers by leading scholars in just about every specialty in economics are available here.
National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER's Gopher allows users to search for particular NBER Working Papers and Reprints by keyword(s), author, title or paper number. It also has links to other economics-oriented information on the Internet.
NetEc Archive
This site has three parts, BibEc, WoPEc and CodEc. BibEc is a bibliography of printed working papers in economics, including finance. There is data about over 35000 working papers from 250 institutions. WoPEc collects data about electronic working papers on various servers (including this one) so that they can be queried simultaneously. Finally CodEc is a collection of computer programmes and computational routines that are useful for economists.


Dept. of Commerce Economic Data (University of Michigan)
Ohio State University's Finance Data Summary
This page points to a summary of data used in finance research on WWW and in other places.
Edgar Development Site
This is the home page for EDGAR's development site at the Stern School, New York University.
Internet Multicasting Service WWW Site
EDGAR (the SEC's Online Database of Corporate Filings), Federal Reserve Board Data, and data from the U.S. Patent Office data are available here.
ECONData: A Source of Economic Time Series Data from Inforum, at the University of Maryland
Experimental Stock Market Page from MIT
Holt's Stock Market Reports
Summary statistics for major international financial markets, updated daily.
Interactive Stock Market Quotes
The Security APL Company runs an interactive (forms-based) stock quote WWW server that will accept a ticker symbol and provide 15 minute delay pricing for most listed securities. Data for both the Standard and Poor's 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average are presented for the current trading day, as well as for the last 12 months, 5 years, 10 years and 25 years. By clicking here, you can access detailed company information organized according to 2 digit industry codes. Included is information such as total market (equity) capitalization, common stock beta, earnings growth rate, and recent SEC filings from Project Edgar (such as 10-K's, 10-Q's, and various other schedules and reports).
J. P. Morgan's Home Page
J.P. Morgan is an investment banking firm that provides financial services to corporations, governments, financial institutions, institutional investors, private firms, nonprofit groups, and wealthy individuals around the world. Access to J.P. Morgan's RiskMetrics financial risk management methodology and datasets is provided by clicking here.
QuoteCom is dedicated to bringing quality financial market data to the Internet community, including information such as stock price quotes, quotes on all domestic stock and commodity exchanges, mutual and money market funds, business news, fundamental data, market analysis and commentary.
Wertheim Schroder Equity Research
Wertheim Schroder provides equity research reports in its online journal Colloquium; updated weekly.
NETworth: The Internet Resource For Individual Investors.
NETworth allows users to download no-load mutual fund marketing information, prospectuses and financial newsletters.
Interactive Nest Egg
Interactive Nest Egg offers the articles from the print version of Nest Egg and total return information on top performing mutual funds.
The Chicago Mercantile Exchange's Home Page
The CME Home Page provides background and product information, volume & membership-price information and charts, for the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. Also published here is the CME Model for Federal Financial Regulation, a proposal for streamlining government oversight of financial institutions.
The FDIC Gopher Service
Search the Directory of the American Economic Association

Other Finance and Economics World Wide Web Servers

UT-Austin Department of Finance
Ohio State University Department of Finance
Financial Economics Lecture Hall
This page contains links to pages created by finance faculty who are using the World Wide Web to deliver class materials. Here, you will find information such as course syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, class calendars, etc.
Kiwi Club Web Server
This is a Web Server maintained by Professor Richard D. MacMinn at the University of Texas at Austin. The Kiwi Club Server provides hypertext linked lectures on financial markets and corporate finance theory, as well as links to other financial information served on the Internet.
University of Michigan Economics Web Server
This is a Web Server maintained by Professor Hal Varian at the University of Michigan.
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
This is a Web Server maintained by Patrick Waldron . It also has some nice links to general information about the World Wide Web.
Other Economics Departments, Faculties & Centres
This page is being maintained as a primary link for WWW servers in other Economics Departments by David Giles of the Department of Economics at the University of Victoria, CANADA.
Chinese Finance Association (CFA)
CFA is a non-profit organization aimed at facilitating the exchange of ideas, knowledge and information on education, research and practice in finance and related areas between the US and China. The CFA Newsletter is a weekly publication that contains economic and financial news related to China.
The RAND Corporation
RAND is a nonprofit institution that helps improve public policy through research and analysis. In addition to getting a description of RAND's mission and organization, you can search for and order RAND publications, read summaries of selected projects, and find out about many specific research initiatives.
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia WWW Server is a service offered by the Fed's Research Department. Featured are analyses of economic issues specific to the Third Federal Reserve District as well as general economic issues.
The World Bank WWW server
The World Bank WWW Server provides links to their Public Information and World Bank Publications.
Gopher and WWW Servers for Business Schools and other economics-oriented academic disciplines
Go here to check out Gopher and WWW services provided by a number of the leading Business Schools in the U.S.A. There are also links to Gopher and WWW services provided by other economics-oriented academic disciplines throughout the world.


Today's World, U.S., Financial, Information & Technology, and Sports Reports
Internet Business and Economics Page, by Arnold Kling
Discussion of topics such as economic consequences of the World Wide Web, banking on the Internet, and links to other sites with information on Internet business, marketing, and economic issues.
Electronic Commerce on the Internet
Federal, State, City and Foreign Government WWW servers
GNN Economics Items
Bill Goffe, George Greenwade and Bob Parks wrote a descriptive page of some economics items of interest for the GNN project. Mostly these are gopher links.
Law Related Gopher and Web Servers
April 10, 1994 Washington Post (Business Section) article entitled "Internet's Electronic Link to Managing Money Computer Network Provides a Wide Array of Financial Information and Is Adding More" -- mentions FINWeb.
Miscellaneous Articles
Nobel Laureates in Economics, 1969-1993.
Search the World Wide Web with Yahoo

Highly Recommended

[GO] Go to RISKWeb's Home Page. RISKWeb features working papers and teaching materials authored by the world's leading scholars in Risk Management and Insurance.
[GO] Go to the GNN Personal Finance Center, edited by Abbot Chambers.
[GO]World Wide Web Tools and Guides.
[GO]Explore the World Wide Web.
[GO]Go to Professor James R. Garven's Home Page.

Please send your comments, suggestions, complaints, etc. for this World Wide Web (WWW) service to me, Professor James R. Garven, by filling out my server comment form.
Last Updated 4/24/95.