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Welcome to the home page of the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Center. Single-click on the highlighted regions of text to access the described information and services. To read more about recent Center events see our Newsletter.

YAC Data Searches: a synthesis of the most current YAC data from various sources.

Biologist's Control Panel: biological databases, search tools and information of interest to human genome researchers.

BCM Search Launcher: organizes molecular biology-related search and analysis services available on the WWW by function, and provides a single point-of-entry for related searches (e.g., a single page for launching protein sequence searches using standard parameters).

BCM Sequence Annotation Server: allows researchers to add their own annotations to NCBI Entrez DNA and protein sequence reports. Our Annotation Server is intended as a method for investigators to easily share new information about sequences, e.g., new features, interesting sequence matches, domain identifications, etc.

Genome Center Computing Help

From Genome Center Computing Help you can access the Genome Center FAQ and find answers to your questions about the IMGEN computing environment, UNIX, the Internet, and more.

Other Resources

Check out some of the other resources available at Baylor College of Medicine and globally.
The Baylor College of Medicine Home Page

These pages are maintained by the Genome Center Informatics Core. Comments are very much appreciated to gc-help@bcm.tmc.edu .

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