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RLDB2 Information server of the Reference Library System

Welcome to the Reference Library DataBase.

Important notice

Due to our move to Berlin the RLDB is not longer able to accept filter or clone requests from 14. 12. 1994 and we would like to ask you to submit your requests from the second week in January to our new office at the Max-Planck-Institute for Molecular Genetic in Berlin. Our e-mail address will stay the same until we have got a new one in Berlin but our postal address, telephone and fax numbers will change as follows:
The Reference Library DataBase (RLDB)
MPI for Molecular Genetic
Ihnestrasse 73
14195 Berlin-Dahlem
Telephone: +49 30 8413 1627
Faxsimile: +49 30 8413 1395

This server should be used with clients which support forms !

This is an experimental HTTP server maintained by the Genome Analysis Laboratory at the Imperial Cancer Research Fund in London. It provides access to the RLDB2 and other biological databases. It also allows to request high density filters and clones from the distribution service of the Reference Library System.

IMPORTANT info for users with MACINTOSH WWW browser

The RLDB2 contains public data as well as private and confidential data. Registered users of the Reference Library System who want to work with non-public data have to login first with their user id-number and password.
Login with id & password and access RLDB2 as registered user click .
Non-registered users and for access to the public RLDB2 data click .