(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
just outside the place
Welcome! You've arrived at an area just outside the place.
Before entering the place,
kindly turn off link underlining.
Look under Options and Preferences
for this control.
Also, keep in mind that the place
was designed to be viewed on a
Macintosh, running Netscape.
Although you can enter the place
via other platforms, or with other browsers,
the integrity of the original design
will not be maintained.
I am currently conducting a survey
in an effort to collect feedback
from the viewing audience. You will
periodically notice a link to an online
survey form. After you have explored
part or all of the place, please con-
sider participating. It only takes
a few minutes, and will serve as an
important guide in the evolution of
the place.
And finally, text-only browsing is not recommended.
The visual elements in the place
are central to its conception.
Thank you for coming to the place.
Good journey!
enter the place
Would you like to complete a survey?