(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
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"In theory, if markets are inefficient, good managers will overcome all
the direct and indirect costs they generate and add value; they
will exploit market inefficiencies to produce superior results. These managers
rely on research, experience, intuition, or superior skill and cunning to
decide what and when to buy and sell." Frank Armstrong takes a
close look at the "efficient market theory" and how it affects your
investment portfolio in The Efficient Market
Debate, Chapter Seven of Investment Strategies
for the 21st Century.
The Net is littered with games aimed at helping you hone your
investment chops. This week's Notes & News points
you toward a select few in Virtual Investing.
Offshore Investment Magazine, Investor Access, and Mutual Funds OnLine are
this week's New Internet
Resources in the Personal Finance Center's Internet Resources collection.
Fourteen new servers are listed in the June 6 edition of NCSA What's New:
Investment and Personal Finance.
"Eventually, borrowers discover that nothing in life has prepared them to
cope with the trauma of choosing the right loan and right lender. It is
my hope that this series will steer the public away from the clunkers --
both the lenders and the loans." Eric Forster begins his series on
real estate loans with
The Lowdown on
Loans, his introduction to
The Mortgage
Applicant's Bible.
Resource Centers
The Company Corporation
Providing corporate services to over 110,000 American businesses
Nolo Press
The leading publisher of self-help law books and software since 1971
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Legal and Financial Services
category in the
GNN Business Pages.
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