(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Spencer's Beer Page
This page is geared mostly towards homebrewers, with a little bit of general
beer info. If you're looking for a quick start, try John Palmer's
How to Brew Your First Beer document.
Recipes are in the Recipe Files, of course.
Table of Contents
Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey. Here's a
summary of the results. From it's
initiation on March 17, through April 3, 368 of you took time to fill it
out. I think you'll find the results interesting, if not illuminating.
Look for the write-up in the April issue of the
Ann Arbor Brewers Guild newsletter.
Number of Beer Page visitors:
(Select the counter to see how it's done.)
This page is not an official publication of the University of Michigan.
The portion of its contents that is maintained and curated by me is my
own responsibility.
Spencer W. Thomas
You can send
me mail.