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AIC Welcome Page

Welcome to the Lockheed Artificial Intelligence Center


The Lockheed Artificial Intelligence Center (AI Center) has over 45 professionals performing research, producing applications, and providing training in AI-based technology. Although it serves as a center for AI research and development for the entire Lockheed Corporation and its subsidiaries, the AI Center is part of the Research and Development Division of Lockheed Missiles & Space Company, Inc. (LMSC), and is located in Palo Alto, California. The AI Center works on both internally and externally funded projects and collaborates on large-scale projects with institutions such as Stanford University, NASA Ames Research Center, and the Information Sciences Institute, as well as various organizations within the Lockheed Corporation.

The AI Center's work currently emphasizes three themes:

Computational Work Environments
Workplaces consisting of people and computational tools interoperating in terms of shared knowledge about hardware and software artifacts
Data Comprehension
Interactive tools aiding analysis and discovery in massive amounts of data, based on deductive databases, learning, visualization, and parallel computation technology. This effort has resulted in the Recon system.
Integrated systems for physical and computational reasoning environments where human presence is infeasible or undesirable.


The following projects are under way at the AI Center:
SHADE is working to define and prototype technology for agent-based collaborative engineering.
The Knowledge-Centered Design project is working on intelligent design and engineering systems.
The Simulation Based Design project is developing open, scalable architectures to support concurrent engineering.

Dice is implementing multimedia technology for collaborative engineering.

The Agile Cable Production Service (ACaPS) is Lockheed's experimental foray into internet commerce, providing an on-line agile cable manufacturing service.

The COSMOS project involves development of a engineering CASE tool to aid in transfer of data from application to application.

Integrated Weapons System DataBase(IWSDB) Phase 6
The goal of this project is to develop information access and dissemination aids for F-22 design engineers.

Joint Task Force Advanced Technology Demonstration (JTF/ATD)
The AI Center is working to develop joint planning and decision aids for the Air Force. This project is pushing the CORBA distributed objects specification to its outer limits.

Other Resources

More information is available from this page:

William Mark <mark@aic.lockheed.com>