hide random home screenshot http://id-www.ucsb.edu/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

University of California, Santa Barbara

 ** University of California, Santa Barbara **

Hello! We are pleased to welcome you to the University of California, and to our beautiful campus and community here in Santa Barbara county. We hope you enjoy your visit.

Note: This is an unofficial gateway to UCSB's information space, and is being offered as a model by the Office of Instructional Development. The University is not reponsible for the accuracy or timeliness of any information housed at this Internet address. We are not responsible for content accessed outside this site. A comprehensive gateway is under construction. In the mean time, please make use of this service.

About UCSB...

Gauchos are proud of their heritage on the Internet. ARPANET, the grandfather of today's Information Superhighway, got its start back in 1969 as a government research and defense project. UCSB was one of the first four sites to make the connection. Today, the University Information Network contains...

...and you can Search the UCSB Gateway if you can't find what you need, or search the campus for electronic mail information if you can't find who you need. You may also want to take a look at the main campus gopher home page.

Thank you for visiting UCSB. We hope you find everything that you need, and that you enjoy your stay.

About This Server and WEB servers in general
University of California Servers
Gateway to Internet

DR, 4/5/95