hide random home screenshot http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/DataSources/WWW/Geographical_generation/new.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

World List WWW Server Registration

Do you wish to register a new server 

                    or to modify an old server

   Your name:      Your email: 
   The title of your server:   

   Where is your server physically located ?

            Which country ?                   Which State ?
            (Except for USA)                  (for USA only)   

       If your country or state is not yet registered, 

                                    please name it: 

   Geographical area of your server (region, town): 

   The URL of your server:     

 My server provides information about...

   The Status of your server (optional):  Officially Representative


For future use: (optional)
 Please add a list of keywords for specialized subjects you provide
 information about

 Are you interested in maintaining a part of the WWW Virtual Library ?

                (which part ?) 
