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Overview on Lattice Field Theory

Lattice High Energy Physics

Recent Changes -- Mail additions to this list to <marcus@x4u.desy.de>
You can also search for a keyword on this server.
Lattice Field Theory
Software at the FreeHEP information server. There are some reviews and a discussion group, hepnet.freehep [FAQ].
Lattice Preprints
PostScript files from the DESY library. Preprint bulletin board at the LANL information server (with index search). Macros for preprint processing from ftp.scri.fsu.edu. Here is the "Mother of all Bulletin Boards".
SPIRES Databases Search
From SLAC: Look up HEP publications, abstracts, addresses, or software
Electronic archives and selected papers.
Tools, parallel programming, C++ etc. relevant for Lattice HEP. Also on the APE-100/Quadrics massively parallel computer from INFN/Alenia.
General Physics
Mathematical Physics, News and preprints, workshops, books etc. See also: HEP Theory Software
Multigrid Algorithms
Very fast multilevel algorithms for Lattice Gauge Theory and Numerical Mathematics

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Last updated October 26, 1994

Marcus Speh
