hide random home screenshot http://info.fuw.edu.pl/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Warsaw University, Physics Department home page.

Warsaw University - Physics Department

Hoza 69; 00-681 Warszawa; POLAND

This is the World Wide Web information server at the Physics Department of Warsaw University (FUW).

- Polish Home Page	- Local information

- Eye on the world	- Physics directory

- Technical Info  	- Flea Market @ FUW

We appreciate any suggestions or comments regarding our WWW server.
Our server (NSCA httpd 1.3) has been accessed from 71324 hosts until now (see list of hosts). You received this page at local time: 05:34:37 Tue 18 Apr 1995
WB, KN, MJ - 07-Nov-1994