(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
University of Wisconsin at Madison
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The Graduate School
228 Bascom Hall
500 Lincoln Drive
Madison, WI 53706-1380
Tel: (608) 262-2433 Fax: (608) 262-5134
The University of Wisconsin - Madison's faculty of approximately 2,400, supported by an academic staff of approximately 4,200, offers graduate degrees in over 150 fields of study.
Master's and doctoral programs are established in the humanities, biological sciences, physical sciences, social sciences and in interdisciplinary studies.
You can see the Organization Chart of the Graduate School by clicking it.
Graduate School Programs
Departments and Programs
Academic Calendar, Important Dates and Deadlines for Current Semester
Graduate Student Financial Support
1995 Spring Commencement Ceremonies
Graduate School Research Centers
Biotechnology Center
Center for X-ray Lithography (CXrL)
Enzyme Institute
Institute for Molecular Virology (IMV)
Institute on Aging and Adult Life
Integrated Microscopy Resource (IMR)
Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Primate Research Center
Sea Grant Institute
Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC)
Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC)
Graduate School Research Services
For general information about pre-award support, please call (608) 262-0470. For specific information about procedures, please contact the research support staff in your own school or college.
UW-Madison Servers
WiscINFO - The main information resource site at UW-Madison. Browse the Graduate School Gopher Entries in WiscINFO.
UW-Madison WWW Home Page
University of Wisconsin System WWW Home Page
Other WWW Servers
World Wide Web Servers - A summary of a list of registered WWW servers alphabetically by continent, country and state.
NCSA Mosaic Home Page
Starting Points for Internet Exploration
Federal Information Exchange (Fedix)
Federal Web Locator - A WWW page for accessing over 210 different World Wide Web servers with federal government information.
Yahoo - A hierarchical hotlist for the WWW that features over 13,000 entries.
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