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The Learned InfoNet

Welcome to the Home Page for Learned Information Ltd. Here you will find the news and views shaping the world of Online Information.

The news and views shaping the world of online information, electronic documentation, and library information systems. Library Manager, the UK manager magazine for librarians aims to engage, inform and at times infuriate, ona wide range of topics from coping with change, coming to grips withtechnology, and making the most of information resources. Information about Learned Information's newspapers, journals and magazines are kept here. Sample copies and subscription information can be obtained.

A roundup of conferences focusing on online information, with information, calls-for-papers and registration. This section outlines Learned Information's Internet training courses and activities, and contains registration forms and information. This searches all document menus on the Learned InfoNet, but is not a full-text full-article database engine. Searches are not case-sensitive.

Feedback about the Learned InfoNet (uses forms)
