hide random home screenshot http://info.mcc.ac.uk/Geology/home-page.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Manchester Earth Sciences Department HOME PAGE University of Manchester
Department of Earth Sciences

University Logo The University logo The quad of the main building The University building

Department of Earth Sciences

This is the Home Page of the World Wide Web server for the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Manchester. If you've been before, check out the long-overdue What's New.

This is an M1 department with full research and teaching facilities and an active and varied research programme. It is part of one of the country's largest universities, and sits in one of the largest and busiest campuses.

Please mail mbepwww@afs.mcc.ac.uk if you have ANY comments or suggestions about this service. All mail will be responded to.

The Department... General Information - what are we?

some syneresis cracks... Research - what do we do?

The graduation ceremony... Education - undergraduate and postgraduate courses

a map of Manchester...Geographia - where are we?

CLICK... Earth Science Courseware

CLICK... NEW...The International Association of Structural/Tectonic Geologists (IASTG), coordinated by Susan Treagus at Manchester, is now coming on-line!

CLICK < --- WWW Search Engines

Please note that this server is run off a UNIX platform and maintained using a HP900 with Mosaic for X-Windows - if you find any aspect is incompatible with your system, please let us know, and it will be fixed. Maybe.

Matt Hall c/o mbepwww@afs.mcc.ac.uk