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The Prisoner

The Prisoner

Note: Much of this information is taken from the prisoner FAQ. This FAQ was compiled by Patrick LoPresti (patl@lcs.mit.edu), among others. The pages, stills, links, etc. were arranged by Liam Relihan (LOR).

What is "The Prisoner" ?

The Prisoner is a television series created by Patrick McGoohan, who also plays the title role. It first aired in England on October 1, 1967, and has retained a strong (some would say "cult") following ever since. There are reasons for this.

It consists of 17 one-hour episodes. While each makes sense when viewed alone (The Prisoner is no soap opera), they also come together as a complete story. The series has a definite beginning and a definite end; the conflicts are resolved and the questions are answered (more or less). There are no transparent hooks for a movie sequel, and there will be no "next generation" :-).

On the surface, it is a well done action/suspense show, and is quite enjoyable as such. But closer inspection reveals multiple levels of meaning and numerous possible interpretations, many of which are still debated today. It has a lot of intellectual appeal, with a feel reminiscent of Huxley and Orwell. The Prisoner is a refreshing change from the mindless rubbish so common on modern television.

See here for technical credits. A few quotations from the series are also available. It also seems that Iron Maiden have a song about the Prisoner (in adpcm format).

An Interview with Patrick McGoohan

In March, 1977 McGoohan did an interview on TVOntario (TVO) with Warner Troyer. It is quite long (around 33K). It is here in HTML format. Thanks to Stephen Pandke (aa832@freenet.carleton.ca) for providing it.

The Episode List

An episode list follows. Click here to see some of the possible orderings.

A Call for Information

The Prisoner pages are still under construction. If anyone has any ideas for extending these pages or simply wishes to howl about glaring inaccuracies, please e-mail me.