Shortwave/Radio Catalog

Issue #21: February 18, 1995


Table of Contents

General Information

Shortwave Radio

Radio Topics (AM/FM, etc.)

Satellite Radio

hide random home screenshot (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Basic Information:

The purpose of this document is to provide the Shortwave and radio hobbyist with informative and timely links to services and information related to Shortwave Listening (SWL), Satellite radio, and other topics on or about Radio.

These pages are an expanding set of World Wide Web links to documents, web servers, ftp and gopher sites, telnet services, audio files, pictures, graphs, schedules, software and interactive on-line programs. The catalog of hypermedia links is split into set of web pages covering, Shortwave and Basic Services, Radio Topics including Medium Wave and FM broadcasting, and Satellite Radio. I hope to include more direct links to pages and services supplied by radio broadcasters, clubs, and devote radio enthusiasts. These pages may be located at the broadcaster's, club's, or individual's own ftp/gopher/WWW server or may be sent to a server site (like this one). I am looking for additional servers and partnerships to make this a worthwhile effort. My sincere thanks to all those who have sent me email and helped make the task of keeping this catalog useful! Send me your comments, ideas or your even more valuable request to volunteer.

Some Ideas Being Pursued:

What's New:

This section gives an overview of changes that have been made since the last issue(s). It may not always be complete, but, it will highlight where most changes have been made.

Issue 21

Issue 20

My thanks to Jay Novello ( for a WWW server site (on the world access side of the proxy firewall) as a home for this SWL master Home Page.

Send your comments, links and ideas to

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Photo & graphic credits: Old radios: Smithsonian Museum; Radio graphics: Microsoft Inc.

Last Modification: February 18, 1995

Pete Costello