hide random home screenshot http://klinzhai.echo.com/~falcon/geeks/geekhouse.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

santa cruz geek houses

[Echo Home Page] [Falcon Home Page]
santa cruz geek houses

There are a number of households in the santa cruz area which are comprised almost solely of computer geeks, and thus they have been dubbed geek houses. This page allows access to their home pages (if they have them) or allows for them to present information about themselves directly. If you wish to be added to this, fill out this comment form or send mail to falcon@iuma.com.

Note: a + denotes current residents and a - denotes former residents.

Active geek houses

Past Geek Houses

Special thanks to Craig Jackson (omni@circus.com) for furnishing this initial version of this list and countless others who have sent me additions and fixes. Be sure to check out his santa cruz whitepages service, too.

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santa cruz geek houses