(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
ACTS Home Page
Advanced Communication Technology Satellite
Rodney M. Knight, Acting Project Manager
The Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS) provides
for the development and flight test of high-risk, advanced
communications satellite technology. Using advanced antenna beams
and advanced on-board switching and processing systems, ACTS will
pioneer new initiatives in communications satellite technology. The NASA Lewis
Research Center is responsible for the development, management, and operation
of ACTS.
ACTS provides new communications satellite technology for:
- Operating in the Ka-band (30/20 GHz) where there is 2.5 GHz of
spectrum available (five times that available at lower
frequency bands)
- Very high-gain, multiple hopping beam antenna systems which
permit smaller aperture Earth stations
- On-board baseband switching which permits interconnectivity
between users at an individual circuit level
- A microwave switch matrix which enables gigabit per second
communication between users.
For ACTS Project information, click below:
General Information
Experiment Program
Satellite Launch and Deployment
Spacecraft Description
Program Updates
Demonstration Projects (under construction)
Questions and Comments should be sent to
Roger Dendy
The NASA Lewis Home Page