You can now add your own URLs to the wheel's possible destinations!
Q: I use WinMosaic and Lynx, How do I get them to
work? Or, Why do they give me the same page every time?
Q: Do you have any other bugs?
URouLette user statistics
General Information
You will occasionally receive a "404 Not Found" message
and a url. This does not mean the URouLette wheel didn't work. It just
means that the URL found has been moved or deleted.
One More Thing: We cannot be responsible for where the URouLette wheel
stops. If you are afraid of ending up on something that offends you, avoid
spinning the wheel.
Please, if you make a random URL generator that one
ups us, at least give us credit for the idea. We are the
KUCIA. Oh, and most certainly don't use the name URouLette or anything
similar. Thanks.