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UWI's Web's Edge

The Web's Edge

"UnderWorld Industries' Cultural Playground"

[Text Index]
(For notes on summary tags [] see bottom of page)

TIME-SENSITIVE NEWS: 25 Years of Waste (noise/experimental music/video show; 31 March)

Stream-of-Consciousness (art/poetry web-zine)
Dirt #2 (UWI periodical, with info on "the move")
Superduper Mega Roadtrip Journals (and UWI-affiliated to boot!)

Hot and Cool (pointers and reviews of Web spots) [*]

UWI Shopping Maul (stuff to get from us & others - music, books, misc.)

Glossary of Mayhem (humor or linguistics? -- know the facts!)
Factsheet Five Electronic (famed zine reviews, HTML-style)
Off-World (Blade Runner stuff)
PWEI Nation (Pop Will Eat Itself)
All That Noise! (Noise/Experimental music)

Complement (the odd-art archive you can be part of)
The End Times (amateur(?) video show wants to show your work to the world)
UWI info
Info/news on this server (updated 1994 Sep 06)
Help on this mess

You, Me, & the Lamppost (ideas, docs, propaganda, eflyers)
Tour Under Ann Arbor (stuff around this Michigan city)
jon@kzsu.stanford.edu (site "organizer"; babbling, insight, outsight, personal)

Thanks KZSU!! -- though the opinions/Stuff expressed herein have nothing to do with KZSU and/or Stanford.edu and all that disclaimer-type-stuff.