(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Library of Congress Exhibits
Electronic Exhibits
from the Library of Congress
About the Electronic Exhibits
Temple of Liberty: Building the Capitol for a New Nation
The Gettysburg Address
The Russian Church and Native Alaskan Cultures
or Files
African-American Culture and History
Exhibit or Files
1492: An Ongoing Voyage
Exhibit or
Scrolls from the Dead Sea
Exhibit or
Revelations from the Russian Archives
or Files
Rome Reborn: The Vatican Library and Renaissance Culture
Exhibit or
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The following are exhibits that have been displayed at the Library of Congress. Originally the text and images of these exhibits were made available for downloading by individuals on Internet from an anonymous FTP server at the Library of Congress. Now they also are viewable by the use of a graphic World Wide Web browser such as MOSAIC. You may chose to view them as an exhibit or individual files. For the selections below, "exhibit" denotes an organized tour in World Wide Web format; "files" denotes access through the anonymous FTP directories at the Library of Congress (
Return to the List of Electronic Exhibits
Note: The WWW versions of the first four exhibits have been prepared by the Library of Congress. All other WWW exhibits in the above list are hosted by the
EXPO at the University of North Carolina.
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