(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Washington University Libraries, Department of Special Collections
The Special Collections Department, located on Level 5 of
Olin Library, consists of three divisions.
University Archives:
Collections include Washington University history,
1853 to the present, and history of 20th century St. Louis, with
emphasis on political, business, social welfare, and transportation history.
Manuscripts Collections: Includes the Modern
Literary Manuscripts Collection, consisting of manuscripts, drafts,
worksheets, and correspondence of a number of important British and
American writers of the 19th and 20th centuries. These
collections, together with the Modern Literature Collection in
the Rare Books and Printed Division, form one of the most
comprehensive research collections of its kind in the country.
Rare Books Collection:
The largest of the University's rare book collections, now
numbering nearly 43,000 printed pieces. Subject areas covered
by the the rare book collection include:
Incunabula (books printed before 1501)
Western European imprints produced in the 16th, 17th, and
18th centuries representing all the disciplines for which Olin Library
- Extensive British and American Literature holdings for the
19th century
- Works on the technical and aesthetic aspects of printing, especially
- Early history of the St. Louis area and westward expansion
- Modern British and American Literature, and contemporary poetry
Special Collections Staff
- Holly Hall, Head of Special Collections
- Jon Grennan, Rare Book Catalog Librarian
- Kevin Ray, Curator, Modern Literature Collection
- Carole Prietto, University Archivist
- Anne Posega, Special Collections Assistant
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(except on University holidays)
Materials do not circulate outside the Department because they
are unique and/or fragile. Special Collections staff will retrieve items for
use in the George N. Meissner Memorial Reading Room. The Isador Mendle
Room is available for classes and for others requiring group access to
materials housed in the Department.
All photocopying of Special Collections materials must be performed by
Special Collections staff. Reproductions may be made if the original
will not be damaged in the process. Copyright restrictions are observed,
and fees may apply.
How to contact Special Collections
U.S. Mail:
Olin Library, Campus Box 1061
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, Missouri, 63130-4899
Phone: (314) 935-5495
Fax: (314) 935-4045
Watch this space for information about upcoming exhibits in the Special
Collections Department!
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