(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Program in Animal Behavior at Indiana University
Indiana University - Bloomington
We are pleased to announce the formation of a new Center for the
Integrative Study of Animal Behavior at Indiana University and a
new interdisciplinary Program in Animal Behavior.
At Indiana University we have assembled 15 productive scientists
whose research concerns and commitment to training in animal
behavior cross the boundaries of their disciplines. Our
represent six subdisciplines: sensory physiology, behavioral ecology,
evolutionary biology, developmental psychobiology, animal
learning, and behavioral neuroscience. Our expertise ranges from
analyses of neuronal function and connections, through modeling
of behavior in terms of optimization and dynamical systems, to field
experiments on the behavior of free-living animals. We work with
diverse organisms, including rabbits, bats, rodents, birds,
amphibians, fish, molluscs, flies, and wasps, in a variety of settings.
Together we form a
Research Training Group (RTG)
in the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior supported by the National
Science Foundation and Indiana University and designed to prepare
the brightest students for productive and exciting careers in the
science of animal behavior.
NSF Research Training Group in Animal Behavior
E-mail via FORMS (two methods):
- To send e-mail to Shan Duncan
Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behaviour WWW site set up and maintained by Shan Duncan
Last modified: Thu Jan 12 17:09:17 1995