hide random home screenshot http://mambo.ucsc.edu/psl/thant/thant.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Thant's Animations Index


Total Links : 205

This document contains short descriptions and links to servers on the web which serve computer generated animations, visualizations, movies and interactive images.

I am adding new links on this page as more sites are found and I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide information on sites that you have come across which are not listed on this page.

Thank you very much and enjoy your visit.

This site is maintained by Thant Nyo, an undergraduate senior at the Towson State University, with the help of Dr. Cohen at the Perceptual Science Laboratory at UCSC where my documents are being hosted.

Please send your comments and suggestions.



Thanks to Dr. Cohen for generously hosting my documents, Timo Veijola, timo@aplac.hut.fi for for making this page accessable via lynx, to all those ppl who drew the wonderful graphics I 'grabbed' from here :-) , and to everyone who has contributed to this page. Thanks again!

ps: This site is dedicated to Lisa

The Original Format

All the sites.

Archives, Collections, and Galleries

Laboratories, Research Centers and Visualization Projects

Companies and Organizations


Individual Research and Work


