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millennium pop

 o Good News for Pop Culture Buffs

Over the last hundred years, American movies, television shows, detective novels, fast-food chains, and musical styles have defined modern life. Yet as we approach the third millennium, thoughtful commentary about the impact of mass culture has hit a new low. Magazines that once published solid pop commentary now offer quick glosses on cultural events that provide little insight to the well-informed observer. Just as the pop catalogue is exploding across 500 cable channels and the mushrooming Internet, pop criticism has faded from the mainstream media.

 o millennium pop Is Here!

Writer-driven and idea-rich, millennium pop will help industry insiders, discerning readers, and emerging artists of the 21st century track the rapid changes overtaking our shared cultural dream life. It will serve as a guide to the technological wonders that will reshape the future, provide sophisticated commentary about both old and new pop art, and help distinguish the revolutionary from the merely recycled.

If you agree that software has more impact on how we think and work and play than hardware, and believe movies, music, and television deserve more serious attention than they're getting, you'll want to check out millennium pop.

 o Free Sample Issue!

millennium pop is not available on newsstands, and readers of The Virtual Mirror are eligible for a special offer: a free sample issue. Simply fill out our order form, and we'll send you a free first copy of the current issue of millennium pop. See for yourself why Wired, Pulse!, the Boston Phoenix and Globe, and Harper's magazine have all raved about millennium pop for its thoughtful approach to the popular isues of our day.

 o Table of Contents

millennium pop
173 Morrison Avenue
Somerville, MA 02144

Email: tcr@shore.net

Editor Tim Riley is the author of Tell Me Why: A Beatles Commentary (Knopf 1988), Hard Rain: A Dylan Commentary (Knopf, 1992), and Madonna Illustrated (Hyperion, 1992), and is featured on Monitor Radio, in the The Washington Post and Boston Magazine. millennium pop debuted at the top of the Village Voice Literary Supplement's Lit Hit List of new publications for 1994, has been excerpted in Harper's (December 1994), and featured in Wired and Pulse! magazines.

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