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Stanford Center For Tuberculosis Research

MolEpi: Stamping out TB Transmission

TB Alert

San Francisco's Division of Tuberculosis Control is actively investigating a TB outbreak involving a number of cases infected with a strain of M. tuberculosis that a the following three bands: 4.679, 3.606, and 1.386 (kbp). Anyone who has seen this pattern is asked to notify Peter Small.


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Consultants and Collaborators

Sally Blower, Pat Brennan, Don Cave, Jack Crawford, Charles Daley, Steven Deitrich, Kathy Dereimer, Ed Desmond, Judy Hahn, Eddie Harrow, Phillip Hopewell, Paul Imboden, Barry Kreiswirth, Ruth McAdam, Andrew Moss, Jodine Nicolette, Julie Parsonette, Tony Paz, Steve Porter, Josefa Rangel, Arthur Reingold, Delaney Ruston, Gisela Schecter, Gary Schoolnik, Robert Shafer, Harry Taber, Micheal Tibaryene, Jan van Embden, Mike Wilson, Charles Woodley, Andrew Zolopa


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