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NASA Commercial Technology Network - Directory
The NASA Commercial Technology Network (NCTN) is an aggressive NASA-wide effort to provide
an information superhighway from NASA's laboratories to your front door and ensure that NASA-developed technology provides significant benefit to the private sector.
Agenda for Change
This document describes the essence of NASA's new way of doing business to support the agency's commercial technology mission objectives. It is meant to provide a summary description of the various changes needed to successfully perform this mission.
Partnership Options for NASA and Industry
Thirty-five years ago, NASA emerged from principles based on quality public and private sector R&D partnerships. Today, renewed emphasis on NASA/Industry partnerships for economic growth and technological competitiveness continues to drive innovations in NASA policy which will raise the quality and quantity of NASA/Industry partnership opportunities.
Space Technology Innovation Newsletter
Space Technology Innovation is a bimonthly publication from NASA's Office of Office of Space Access and Technology (OACT) dedicated to providing information to people in industry, academia and the public about the relevance and status of OACT supported R&D activities; providing information to people in industry, academia and the public about the resources and opportunities available to them from OACT;
promoting commercial space activities and technology transfer; and enhancing NASA-customer communications and interaction.
Small Business Innovation Research
Established by Congress in 1982, the Small Business Innovation Research program helps NASA develop innovative technologies by providing competitive research contracts to U.S.-owned small businesses - companies with fewer than 500 employees. The SBIR program encourages the participation of small firms owned by women or by socially and economically disadvantaged persons in government research and development. SBIR provides seed capital to increase private sector commercialization of innovations resulting from federal research and development.
TechTracS - Technology Tracking System
The NASA Technology Tracking System (TechTracS) Forum is designed to give the public easy access to the most current information about commercial technology being developed or sponsored by NASA. We hope that you will find information contained herein useful for your particular technology needs.
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