hide random home screenshot http://nearnet.gnn.com/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

GNN Subscriber Information

We appreciate your taking a few minutes to become a subscriber of The Global Network Navigator (tm). GNN is free of charge for subscribers, and all information you provide is for use only by GNN and O'Reilly & Associates as general demographic information. Your name and personal information will never be provided to third parties.

There are three sections to this subscription registration form:

  1. Basic Subscriber Information -- Quick and painless, this is the minimum required information for becoming a GNN subscriber. First, tell us your name and email address. Then, choose a password that is six or more characters long and type it in the appropriate field. Finally, type in your mother's maiden name (or some other easily remembered name or word), so that we can verify your identity if you ever forget your password.

  2. GNN Direct Information -- GNN makes it possible for you to order products and services online, directly from our sponsors. If you'd like to take advantage of these new online services, you'll need to provide us with some additional account information.

  3. Additional Subscriber Information -- Although it's not required, we hope you will take the time to answer a few (non-personal) questions about yourself. Your input will help us to continue to improve the design of GNN.

To use the online registration form, you must use a browser with online form features. If you don't see a place on this form for you to type in your information, you cannot use this form. Instead, please send mail to form@gnn.com and an email version of this form will be sent to you automatically. Or, you can save the email version to a file now.

If you are already a GNN subscriber, you may access GNN from here.

Basic Subscriber Information

   First name    
   Last name     
   Email address 
   GNN Password  
   GNN Password   (again)

   Mother's name  

Years on this planet? 0-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81+ Is it okay for GNN to contact you? when there are substantive changes to GNN with GNN monthly updates when there are special offers/invitations to subscribers

Please continue on to the next section (GNN Direct Information), or you may also

GNN Direct Information

GNN Direct allows subscribers to purchase advertised products, information, or services from our sponsors. In order to do that, we need to know the following information:
   Day Phone Number 
   Fax Number       (Optional)

Billing Address:

   Address line 1   
   Address line 2   
   Zip/Postal Code  

Shipping Address (defaults to billing address):

   Address line 1   
   Address line 2   
   Zip/Postal Code  

Credit Information:
If you'd like to order online through GNN Direct, we'll need information on your credit card (type of card, card number and expiration date). You won't fill out this form online; instead, please go to our Credit Information Form, print out the form, fill it out, and fax it to us. You may also call us at 800-998-9938 (in the US), or +1 707-829-0515 (outside the US).

Please continue on to the next section (Additional Information), or you may also

Additional Information

This information helps us learn a little bit about our readers. Please take a few moments to answer a few questions:

   Your Company      
   Type of business  

How do you usually connect to the Internet?

   Dial-Up     SLIP/PPP

Leased Line
   <=56K       64
   T1          T3+
   Other  (please specify)

System Type:  
   UNIX                DOS PC          Windows PC
   Macintosh           VAX/VMS         OS/2

What type(s) of computer display(s) do you use?
   Color      Black & White      Both

What company or institution provides you with Internet access?

How would you describe yourself as an Internet user?
   Basic      Intermediate       Experienced

Any additional comments?

(select when ready to register) (select to clear the form)