hide random home screenshot http://none.coolware.com/health/pamf/rg/RG.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Rainbow Guide

The Health Professional's "Rainbow Guide" to Community Resources in the Midpeninsula Area

The Health Professionals Rainbow Guide to Community Services was originally compiled and published in 1988 to enable physicians, nurses and receptionists at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation to respond more effectively to patient questions and needs. Due to a high demand from many of the community-based organizations listed in it, it was distributed throughout the agencies. As a community service, this updated version is being placed on-line in advance of reprinting to make it available to an even broader audience and to assure the completely and accuracy of information in it. If you find any errors or omissions, please notify the Department of Public Affairs at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, (415) 853-2965. About the Rainbow Guide

15th January 1995