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Welcome to the NSSDC Photo Gallery!

The images presented here have a number of different sources, primarily NASA missions, however. They are generally organized by object and/or phenomenon on separate pages. The source of the image as well as the processing involved in producing the image have been included whereever possible. Photo captions for some selected images are also available.

The images are shown on the separate pages as reduced versions ("thumbnails") of the full images. At this time, to minimize the network transfer time, all of the full images are in JPEG format. Because of the large number of thumbnails on some pages, you may wish to turn off automatic loading of images if you are using a graphic browser such as Mosaic. To retrieve the full images (for on-line viewing and/or to save them), select the reduced version.






Note: Most of our collection of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 images can be found on our special Shoemaker-Levy 9 image page.

A listing of other image sites is also available.

*Go to the Planetary Fact Sheet page
*Go to the NSSDC Planetary Home Page
*Go to the NSSDC Astronomy & Astrophysics Home Page
*Go to the NSSDC Home Page
We're interested in your opinions about the NSSDC Photo Gallery. Give us your feedback as to things you would like to see us do.
If you have any questions/comments about this page, contact:
Dr. Edwin V. Bell, II, bell@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov, (301)441-4209
Hughes STX Corporation, NSSDC Project, 7701 Greenbelt Rd., Suite 400, Greenbelt, MD 20770
[NSSDC logo]
Photo Gallery pages approved by:
Dr. J. H. King, Code 633, Goddard Space Flight Center, king@nssdca.gsfc.nasa.gov

Last Updated: 24 April 1995, EVB II