hide random home screenshot http://pipkin.lut.ac.uk/~scott/ultimate.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Ultimate Frisbee

Logo courtesy of Andy Wood (amw@cs.birmingham.ac.uk)

This is a game of speed and skill played with teams of humans and regulation 175g flying discs. The history of Ultimate goes back some 25 years now, the first ever match being played between the same two american colleges that staged the first ever American Football match 103 years to the day later.

The game is cheap and easy to play with no referees

Getting Started - Useful Articles

Disc sport enthusiasts have contributed articles to the disc sports newsgroup for several years and some of the more useful and interesting ones are included below. All these articles are available from the various ftp sites.

Interesting Ultimate Pages

The body that oversees all disc sports throughout the world is the WORLD FLYING DISC FEDERATION. We now have their definitive handbook including current world records if you fancy trying a few!!

Ultimate in the UK

Ultimate around the world

Europe (other than UK)

European Web Pages

Thomas Griesbaum's Ultimate Page

Ultimate in the USA


A recent addition to the community of ultimate Web pages is an advertising forum for disc merchants

Disc Golf

If you find Ultimate to much running you might want to try Disc Golf (he said at the risk of offending all disc golfers!!). You need accuracy and strength to play this (so that rules me out). Doc in Washington has a Disc Golf page which lists golf courses in different countries around the world.

Odds and Ends

British National Outdoor Champions are Shotgun

Spirit and Plate winners the Jesters

A record 38 teams attended

Local Information

There is a club here at Leicester University if you are interested in playing a bit! Don't worry if you haven't played before - it's new to most people

For more information contact me or Ben Ravilious (br5@le.ac.uk)

See my home page
Ian Scotland / iws1@le.ac.uk