hide random home screenshot http://reading-room-www.lcs.mit.edu/rr/ (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

MIT LCS/AI Reading Room

LCS/AI Reading Room

Librarian: Maria T. Sensale sensale@lcs.mit.edu (617)253-8820
Fall hours: Tuesday-Thursday 9-7, Monday and Friday 9-5
IAP/Break/Summer hours: Monday to Friday 9-5
Full contact information
Overview of Reading Room services
Catalog (telnet reading-room.lcs.mit.edu) (A forms-based WWW interface).
(There are recent uncataloged books. Consult Maria Sensale, Librarian.)
Awareness bulletins.
External resources.
LCS/AI technical reports.
Acquisition suggestion form.
Experimental stuff, and comments.

Please send comments/suggestions/thoughts to reading-room@lcs.mit.edu.
