Welcome to Real Estate On-Line
Real Estate On-Line is a in Portland Oregon. We provide up-to-date statewide real estate information. For prospective homebuyers, apartment renters enjoyably, telnet or call with a modem (503) 6140456. This On-Line service is free to users all over the world.
Resnova's Novalink Professional supports Real Estate On-Line with the award winning BBS server software of 1994. Real Estate On-Line has integrated internet connectivity which allows clients to access directly through a tcp/ip connection. The graphical interface is second to none with it's use of animation, sound and quicktime multimedia files.
Macintosh users start your own Real Estate On-Line BBS with Novalink Professional in your own area. Become an associate and enjoy the benefits of a networked BBS that is already up and running. The package comes with Novalink Professional, icons, menus, business forms, and manual. For pricing information please E-Mail our sales department.
Welcome to the world of Real Estate On-Line
and the information super highway.
Have Fun!