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Residential Education

Stanford Residential Education

Stanford University

Biographies of Resident Fellows
Almost all Stanford Residences have Resident Fellows, or RFs. Stanford students applying for residence staff positions should browse the RF biographies to learn more about the residences to which they are applying.
Mission of Residential Education
This document describes the mission and philosophy of Residential Education at Stanford University.
Program Summaries
This is an archive of all the programs and events that have been put on in Stanford residences in the past.
Resident Assistant Application Process
Every Stanford residence has one or more Resident Assistants, or RAs. Stanford students who are going to be away winter and spring quarter can submit an RA application soon.
Residential Computing
Residential Computing is a division of Residential Education that provides computer facilities and support for every Stanford residence and for the Residential Education and Graduate Residences staff.
E-Mail Archive
This is a password protected archive of email messages used by Residential Education staff.
Resident Fellow tools
This is a password protected page of tools that Resident Fellows can use in the staff selection process. There are also tools used by the Residential Education central staff.
This page was written by Kevin Morris.