hide random home screenshot http://rever.nmsu.edu/~elharo/faq/Macintosh.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

The Well Connected Mac

Welcome to The Well Connected Mac, your online guide to everything Macintosh. If there's something you think should be here that isn't, tell me. If there's something you think might better be done differently, talk to me about it. And certainly if you find a mistake or something doesn't work the way it should, let me know. This site is still very much a work in progress. Your comments are greatly appreciated. Please direct them to elharo@shock.njit.edu.

Mac Site of the Moment

This is my space to hilite some of the most useful and interesting Macintosh sites on the net. This link is changed periodically though I haven't yet determined the exact periodicity (hence the rather non-descript "Moment"). And the current Mac Site of the Moment is: (Drum roll please...)

The MacHTTP/WebSTar Home Page

I've been receiving quite a few letters lately from people asking me for advice on how they can set up their own home pages. If you have access to a Mac with a fulltime direct connection to the Internet, then you probably can't do better than by using MacHTTP, and this page is the best place to start learning about it.

If you'd like to nominate a site for Mac Site of the Moment email the URL to me and let me know why you think it's cool. If you'd like to see Mac Sites of Previous Moments just follow this link.

What's New?

NEW! Check out the Mac Site of the Moment.

In the last couple of months I've made a serious effort to verify and update the information on the mailing list and vendor information pages. It's not perfect yet, but it is a lot closer.

I've also updated the auto-subscription script so that it should handle the increasing number of ListSTAR based mailing lists that require subscription requests to appear in the subject line rather than the message body. However this isn't fully tested so please let me know if you have problems.

Thanks to the addition of a new machine at rever and the transfer of the Well Connected Mac to a faster hard disk, form response time has noticeably improved. Responses to form submissions now occur nearly instantaneously. Those of you with T-1 Internet connections and fast CPU's should notice all the other pages loading more quickly as well.

The vendor information section has been dramatically expanded. It now lists over ONE THOUSAND different vendors. Furthermore listings are now presented individually. You no longer need to download the entire software section just to get Claris's email address.

What's Here Now

Macintosh FAQ lists
Frequently asked questions lists from many Usenet newsgroups including
Vendor Information
Addresses (both electronic and geographical), phone numbers, and ftp and WEB sites for commercial vendors involved with the Macintosh.

Macintosh Software
Look here for just about any freely distributable software in the Macintosh universe, organized by topic and location.

Reviews of Macintosh Hardware, Software and Books
Four star reviews of products of interest to the Macintosh community.

Electronically published, online journals covering the Macintosh universe.

Mailing Lists
Mailing Lists with some topicality to the Mac

Other WEB sites
Other WEB sites dealing with the Macintosh including the home sites of many commercial vendors.

Usenet newsgroups about the Mac.

Macintosh Information Sources
Technical specs, price lists, tech support and more.

What's Coming Down the Road?

I have many plans for this site. It's growing rapidly. In the near future expect to see

Elliotte Rusty Harold
April 16, 1995