hide random home screenshot http://sneezy.nosc.mil/coi.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

NavyOnLine "Communities Of Interest"

Here is a laundry list of the commands involved in bringing Naval information online via the WWW. There are more Navy sites coming online very soon. Please check the NavyOnLine Home Page to monitor the changes. Select any of the links below to go to a more detailed description of what each "node" is involved in.

NAVCOMTELSTA Pensacola (NCTS Pensacola)
Paul Everitt (paul.everitt@ncts.navy.mil) and the NCTS group have a www/gopher/ftpserver running on a Sun under SunOS 4.1.3. They are using NCSA httpd1.2 to serve up a variety of things. On the client side, they are running Mosaic 2.4 for X (on SunOS), WinMosaic, and Lynx. The physical home of NavyOnLine, NCTS is constantly working on improving their resources and will have several T1 lines online very soon.

Navy Office of Information (NAVPALIB)
CAPT Tim Taylor (tim.taylor@ncts.navy.mil) has gone to Europe, but he and his heirs are serving up a vast array of information; the Navy Public Affairs Library is completely online. This is an expansive resource about the Navy and contains some really valuable information for the public as well as Naval personnel. Check out the complete list of news services from NAVPALIB.

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR)
Andre' Doles (dolesa@smtp-gw.spawar.navy.mil) at SPAWAR is working has vastly improved their central WWW server by putting the command newsletter, phone directory, and other pertinent information online. This is also the clearinghouse for many valuable Web services as well as the showcase for some cutting edge Naval Reserve information.

Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command, Code 30 (SPAWAR 30)
ENS Eric Bach (bach@nosc.mil) may be wandering around the Navy looking for a new home, but he still remotely manages this server which includes an organizational breakdown of SPAWAR 30's structure as well as the code's phone list. There are also some neat tidbits of Naval Aviation on this server as well as a small collection of U.S. Armed Forces medals.

Naval Command Control and Ocean Surveillance Center (NCCOSC)
The various commands in the NCCOSC family are all online via the WWW. More to follow...but check out:

Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
NAVSEA is online with their Computer-Aided Engineering Division and their Hydrodynamics Branch servers. Look for more interesting stuff from the NAVSEA folks soon. (Note: access restricted to .navy and .nosc.mil domains at present)

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD)
Bruce Copeland (bc@dias.nswc.navy.mil) has a great server up and running and soon hopes to link the Public Affairs Office in with his efforts, as well as the other Warfare Centers. There are already several servers set up for the command. (Note: access restricted to .navy and .nosc.mil domains at present)

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division (PHD NSWC)
Ev Batey (efb@suned1.nswses.navy.mil) has a nice little setup for the Port Hueneme folks out in California. Ev and his folks possess a great deal of computing knowledge and can serve as great reference for any questions.

Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)
LCDR Don Brutzman (brutzman@nps.navy.mil) has the NPS Computer Science department anonymous ftp server set up for a WWW interface. Included are papers, theses, images, voice clips and special software. Projects represented include the NPSNET virtual world battlefield, Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol implementations, the NPS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) and Multicast BackbONE (MBONE) which permits audio/video/whiteboard over the Internet. Other projects at the "Navy's University" are being added as available.

Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
NRL is up and running with some good information available. They have an extensive network of WWW servers that spans their different codes/acitvities. Go to their complete organizational chart . Contact Joe Bradley (bradley@ait.nrl.navy.mil) for more info.

Last updated: 13SEP1994
Author: ENS Eric Bach, USN
Co-author: Paul Everitt