(World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)
Southampton University Astronomy Group
Welcome to the Southampton University Astronomy Group Home Page. This
hypertext page is a collection of
World Wide Web
(WWW) links of use or interest to astronomers, and other information at the
of Southampton.
You can see how often this site is being accessed
Astronomical Information
provided by the Astrophysics Data
System at the CfA to search astronomy periodical abstracts.
You might
also check out the ESIS
bibliographical database.
- Preprints and Papers
provides access to
on-line copies of Southampton University preprints
other institutions' preprint databases.
Keyword search the I.A.U. telegrams archive
You can also examine the
complete archive.
(to avoid upsetting the I.A.U., the complete text of telegrams is only accessible from
within the Southampton Astronomy group. Sorry.).
E-mail Addresses
Search a worldwide astronomical e-mail database (as supplied by GSFC).
If this fails to turn up an address, you might try a
search of Netfind for
e-mail addresses (in the search window, type the name and approximate
location of your quarry, such as
Blandford Caltech Astronomy
and Netfind does the rest)
Up-coming Astronomy Conferences
A hypertext list maintained by the CFHT library.
AAS Job Register
This month's listing of astronomy jobs from the American Astronomical Society.
Starlink Services
WWW Pages concerning Starlink (including NEWS).
Astronomical Object and Observatory Databases
Search for the vital statistics of your favourite
object or patch of sky.
Astronomical Software
- Includes access to
Starlink documentation, such as SUNs, etc..
Coded Aperture Imaging
An introduction to the gamma-ray imaging techniques employed in several of the
hardware projects.
in which Southampton Astronomy Group is involved.
Southampton University Information
Information about the astronomy group, and Southampton University as a whole.
Other Institutions
- From lists supplied by the WWW Virtual Library. We also have a shorter
local list of
astronomical institutions.
Other Resources
What's new on the WWW
- Provides a list of what new wonders have appeared on the Web (now
only available from the USA, so it's a bit slower).
CUSI index of almost
allows you to search for WWW pages on particular
subjects, software on ftp sites, peoples' e-mail addresses, synonyms in Roget's
Thesaurus, etc, etc...
Weather Images
- Current satellite weather images and movies of the UK and its environs.
(is it raining on your observing program in the Canary Islands?).
Worldwide WWW Information
- accessed via a hypertext map, if ever you feel the urge to be a
virtual tourist.
- Cartoons:
- Check out The Comic Strip
for all your syndicated comic needs!
- Dr Fun
provides FarSide-esque entertainment on the internet (new every day).
- Where the Buffalo Roam comes out once
a week
- The Borderline also
looks like good value for money.
Expanding Horizons
If you have information that you'd like to see added to the Southampton
pages of the WWW such as new biographies, publications,
pictures, or other useful links, then let us know and we will try to update
this database regularly.
Mike Merrifield
3rd August 1993 (last updated April 26th 1995)