View the picture gallery of images, play videos and animations, and find out about the Space Shuttle missions that carried the Spaceborne Radar Laboratory!
Find out about the SIR-C Educational CD-ROM, and where you can view it on-line over the World Wide Web. Read student reports from the Space Shuttle missions. Also, view the picture gallery of images, and play videos and animations!
Find out how to obtain radar images of many areas around the globe. Get the sample data package for software developers. Fill out a license agreement, and receive JPL software for reading and analyzing radar data. Find out about what happened during the Space Shuttle missions carrying the Space Radar Laboratory. Find out where we collected data. Get low-resolution survey images on-line over the World Wide Web.
This is where you can find out the latest with the imaging radar home page!
This bulletin board was constructed to provide a forum for users to discuss the radar images that they are looking at. Perhaps a user has personal knowledge about a site that they would like to share with everyone. Maybe someone is having trouble using software. This is your forum to discuss radar and remote sensing related issues!
Links to other remote sensing home pages, as well as space related home pages, education home pages, etc.
One of the goals of this home page is to make it simpler for potential users to access imaging radar data. Another is to provide information about the capabilities of imaging radar, the applications to which it can be put to use, and to the characteristics of the data itself.
There have been over 45,000 accesses to this home page, in which more than 500,000 requests have been made (as of Feb 17, 1995). Lately, about 300 Mbytes are being transfered daily from this DEC Alpha computer.
This home page was inaugurated on August 15, 1994.
comments are encouraged! Updated 2/17/95