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Air Mobility Command Studies and Analysis Flight

Welcome to AMCSAF!

Air Mobility Command Studies and Analysis Flight

Read this WARNING before you proceed.

The mission of the Studies and Analysis Flight is to provide decision makers with reliable, understandable information and the insight necessary to make timely choices in the planning, programming, and execution of peacetime and wartime mobility operations through a blend of state-of-the-art operations research techniques and operational experience.

The Air Mobility Command Studies and Analysis Flight is at Scott Air Force Base , in southern Illinois. Air Mobility Command is the transportation arm of the United States Air Force and the air mobility component of the United States Transportation Command (USTransCom).

Analysis Tools We Use (And Some You Can Get):

Simple airlift cycle time analysis can be performed using the Airlift Cycle Analysis Spreadsheet (ACAS).

Analysis of complex Airlift problems is performed using the Airlift Flow Model (AFM).

Analysis of tanker issues is performed using the Combined Mating and Ranging Planning System (CMARPS) (available from LOGICON, but not AMCSAF).

We will add other tools developed at AMCSAF to this list as they are cleared for release.

The US Defense Modeling and Simulation Office has references to other available modeling and simulation areas.

If you are relatively new to the World Wide Web, you may wish to read the NCSA Mosaic Demo Document. There is also the Suggested Starting Points for Internet Exploration. You may wish to use the following resources to keep track of the evolution of cyberspace and to find information on the Internet:

  1. What's New with NCSA Mosaic and the Internet.
  2. Internet Resources Meta-Index at NCSA.

Comments or Problems

We welcome your comments and suggestions. You can reach AMCSAF

through E-mail at mxpya3.hqamc@mhs.safb.af.mil, FAX to AMCSAF at (618)256-2502.