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ArchNet provides access to archaeological resources available on the Internet. Information is categorized by geographic region and subject. If you have established a server for archaeology, register it to be included in ArchNet. An imageless homepage is also available.

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ArchNet Regions University Museums Topics WWW

Academic Departments and Programs
Archaeological Regions
* Africa * Asia * Australia and Pacific * Central America
* Europe * Near East * North America * South America
Museums and Research Facilities
Site files and tours
Subject Areas
* Archeometry * Botanical * Ceramics * CRM & Government Agencies
* Educational Materials * Ethnohistory / Ethnoarchaeology
* Faunal * Geo-Archaeology * Historic Archaeology
* Lithics * Mapping and GIS *Method & Theory * Software

Other Resources for Anthropology/Archaeology
FAQs and Newsgroups
Information on the World-Wide Web and Gopher

ArchNet is maintained by:

Thomas Plunkett (tomp@www.lib.uconn.edu)
Jonathan Lizee (lizee@www.lib.uconn.edu)
Send some email to the folks at ArchNet