hide random home screenshot http://sunsite.sut.ac.jp/asia/japan/jpics.html (World Wide Web Directory, 06/1995)

Images from Japan

Images from Japan

Here are some random images from various parts of Japan.

Cinderella's Castle at the Tokyo Disneyland.
504x682 pixels, 348 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Vintage Bus at the Tokyo Disneyland.
682x437 308 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Kinkakuji (Golden) Temple at Kyoto.
438x223 173 Kb. full color JPEG image.

The Heian Shrine at Kyoto.
475x409 278 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Huis Ten Bosch at Nagasaki. A famous tourist attraction, it's a small town
recreated in traditional Dutch architecture.
987x669 567 Kb. full color JPEG image.

A waterfall in Izu.
571x392 218 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Japanese garden somewhere in Kyoto.
634x859 783 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Resort lodge somewhere in Kiyosato, a hot-spring resort.
931x629 365 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Korakuen Park in Okayama city. The Okayama castle is also visible in the background.
671x487 314 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Port of Kobe at night.
701x461 162 Kb. full color JPEG image.

The Kyoto Tower at night.
472x681 173 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Maiko girl from Kyoto.
608x856 503 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Osaka City a view from the top floor of the Osaka castle.
652x440 247 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Osaka Castle
468x667 290 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Three storied pagoda in Kyoto.
471x675 265 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Akebono A famous sumo wrestler - the first foreign 'Yokozuna'
( Grand champion ) on the left.
733x508 316 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Sumo wrestlers in action.
782x461 303 Kb. full color JPEG image.

Yasaka Shrine in Kyoto - a sunset view.
616x356 152 Kb. full color JPEG image.