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SunSITE-based Government Documents

U.S. Government Hypertexts

* White House Information
Press-releases, the Proposed Budget for 1995, the 1994 State of the Union Address and other information and initiatives from the U.S. Executive
* The Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform
chaired by Senator Bob Kerrey and co-chaired by Senator Jack Danforth.
* The National Performance Review
Vice president Al Gore's report on reinventing government, supporting materials and audio statements from the President and Vice President
* The National Information Infrastructure Proposal
The Clinton Administration's Statement of Intent on building the future Net, with an audio statement from Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown, and video clips from HPCC
* Technology for Economic Growth: President's Progress Report
A summary of the Clinton Administration's technology-related achievements
* The National Health Security Plan
The Clinton Administration's announcement of Health Care reform.
* President Clinton's Saturday Radio Addresses (Audio)
Thanks to UUNNET for the files.
*Vice President Gore's January 11th Address at UCLA
The Telecommunications Policy Reform Initiative and related documents
*The National Trade Data Bank
The U.S. Government's most comprehensive source of world trade data. The NTDB includes over 100 information programs from 26 different federal agencies.

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